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Harris Junior School & Muschamp Primary School, Sutton

Installation of sustainable urban drainage systems

Harris Junior School & Muschamp Primary School, Sutton

We were employed directly by the London Borough of Sutton to reduce the flood risk to forty six properties within both Schools' downstream catchment areas, attenuate 4.20 hectares of land, and remove the substantial playground flooding experienced at both of the schools.

We were involved at the early stages of the project assisting with design input, budgetary planning and value engineering exercises to ensure the greatest end product and value for money was delivered whilst ensuring the project budget was not exceeded.

The projects encompassed the latest technologies in sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDs), including the installation of attenuation tanks, a multitude arrangement of permeable surfaces, swales, rain gardens and retention basins.

These methods were used collaboratively to reduce the overwhelming pressures on the existing drainage infrastructure and reduce the volumes of surface water that were being discharged throughout the external areas at both schools.