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Bell Road Carpark, Hounslow

Localised resurfacing and line marking

Bell Road Carpark, Hounslow

The existing car park was becoming unusable by the local residents as a result of severe cracking, potholes, undulations and depressions within the asphalt surfacing. There was also extensive overgrown vegetation which was reducing the amount of available car parking spaces.

Our team were employed to remove the existing vegetation to the perimeters of the car park, and plane out the existing wearing courses on each opposing side of the car park and install a new asphalt surfacing course complete with line marking to an agreed plan with our client.

The car park was temporarily closed to enable the works to take place, and we were able to complete the works sooner than initially planned as a result of expediating our resources on site to mitigate disruptions to the local community and ensure the car park was reopened as quickly as possible.